Base Driver


base-driver is a framework for creating drivers for complex interfaces or data transformation tasks. This guide will walk you through the framework concepts, components, and their purpose.


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Platform is not part of the base-driver package, but is rather implemented as part of individual drivers to support communication with the native data source.

  • Methods inside Platform implementations faciliate communication with the data source via a local Machine instance reference.

  • Platform methods are invoked by a Collector instance.

  • No data source transformation logic should occur inside the Platform implementation.

  • Veneer classes are responsible for transformation logic.

Example: factoryio-driver

Retrieve all tags from FactoryIO instance.

public async Task<dynamic> GetTagsAsync()
		var request = new RestRequest("tags", DataFormat.Json);
		var response = await _machine.Client.ExecuteGetAsync(request);

		return JArray.Parse(response.Content);

Write tags to FactoryIO instance.

public async Task<dynamic> WriteTagsByNameAsync(string tag_array)
		var request = new RestRequest("tag/values/by-name", Method.PUT, DataFormat.Json);
		request.AddParameter("application/json", tag_array, ParameterType.RequestBody);
		var response = await _machine.Client.ExecuteAsync(request);

		return JArray.Parse(response.Content);

Example: opcxmlda-driver

Retrieve multiple items from an OPC XML-DA server.

public dynamic ReadMultipleTags(List<dynamic> descriptors)
    DAVtqResult[] results = null;
    NativeDispatchReturn ndr = nativeDispatch(() =>
         results = _machine.Client.ReadMultipleItems(
            new ServerDescriptor { UrlString = _machine.OpcxmldaEndpoint.URI },
                new Converter<dynamic, DAItemDescriptor>(item =>
                    new DAItemDescriptor( (string)((Dictionary<object, object>.KeyCollection)item.Keys) .ElementAt(0))
        return true;
    var nr = new
        invocationMs = ndr.ElapsedMilliseconds,
        request = new {read_multiple_tags = new {descriptors}},
        response = new {read_multiple_tags = new {results}}
    _logger.Trace($"[{_machine.Id}] Platform invocation result:\n{JObject.FromObject(nr).ToString()}");

    return nr;

Example: fanuc-driver

Retrieve machine identifier from Fanuc controller.

public dynamic CNCId()
    uint[] cncid = new uint[4];

    NativeDispatchReturn ndr = nativeDispatch(() =>
        return (Focas.focas_ret) Focas.cnc_rdcncid(_handle, cncid);

    var nr = new
        method = "cnc_rdcncid",
        invocationMs = ndr.ElapsedMilliseconds,
        doc = "",
        success = ndr.RC == Focas.EW_OK,
        rc = ndr.RC,
        request = new {cnc_rdcncid = new { }},
        response = new {cnc_rdcncid = new {cncid}}
    _logger.Trace($"[{_machine.Id}] Platform invocation result:\n{JObject.FromObject(nr).ToString()}");

    return nr;


A Machine instance includes:

  • native connectivity information and setup (from config.yaml)

  • data source access (Platform)

  • data output post-processor (Handler)

  • data collection strategy (Collector)

  • data transformations (Veneer)

Drivers extend the Machine class to provide functionality unique to the data source.

A concrete Machine type, including assembly name, is referenced in the configuration at path machines[id].type. Example: l99.driver.fanuc.FanucMachine, fanuc.

Example: factoryio-driver

Communication protocol configuration and HTTP client are managed by the Machine instance.

public FactoryioRemoteMachine(Machines machines, bool enabled, string id, object config) : base(machines, enabled, id, config)
		dynamic cfg = (dynamic) config;
		this["cfg"] = cfg;
		this["platform"] = new Platform(this);
		_factoryioRemoteEndpoint = new FactoryioRemoteEndpoint(cfg.type["net_uri"], (short)cfg.type["net_timeout_s"]);

		_client = new RestClient($"{cfg.type["net_uri"]}/api");
		_client.Timeout = cfg.type["net_timeout_s"] * 1000;

Example: opcxmlda-driver

Communication protocol configuration and QuickOPC DA client are managed by the Machine instance.

public OpcxmldaMachine(Machines machines, bool enabled, string id, object config) : base(machines, enabled, id, config)
    dynamic cfg = (dynamic) config;
    this["cfg"] = cfg;
    this["data"] = cfg.type["data"];
    this["platform"] = new Platform(this);
    _opcxmldaEndpoint = new OpcxmldaEndpoint(cfg.type["net_uri"], (short)cfg.type["net_timeout_s"]);
    _client = new EasyDAClient();

Example: fanuc-driver

Communciation protocol configuration is managed by the Machine instance.

public FanucMachine(Machines machines, bool enabled, string id, object config) : base(machines, enabled, id, config)
    dynamic cfg = (dynamic) config;
    _focasEndpoint = new FocasEndpoint(cfg.type["net_ip"], (ushort)cfg.type["net_port"], (short)cfg.type["net_timeout_s"]);
    this["platform"] = new Platform(this);


veneer : to overlay or plate (a surface, as of a common sort of wood) with a thin layer of finer wood for outer finish or decoration

peel : to break away from a group or formation —often used with off

Collected data requires processing before it can be relayed to another system. Veneer instances are responsible for:

  • simple or complex source data transformations

  • making source data human readable

  • creating richer (more valuable to the consumer) data from multiple data points

  • tracking data changes

  • creating data hierarchies

Veneer instances are “applied” over native data points and “peeled” during the data collection cycle to reveal modified data structures.

Veneers can be applied/peeled as a whole. Veneers can be sliced and applied/peeled across logical boundaries (e.g. path, axis, spindle). Atomic values should be used for slicing veneers. Sliced veneers must be marked before peeling in order to convey the logical hierarchy of the observation to downstream systems.

Example: opcxmlda-driver | intermediate format

Transformation into an intermediate format.

protected override async Task<dynamic> AnyAsync(dynamic input, params dynamic?[] additionalInputs)
    var current_value = new
        name = additionalInputs[0],
        type = input.Vtq?.ValueType.Name,
        value = input.Vtq?.Value,
        good = input.Vtq?.Quality.IsGood

    await onDataArrivedAsync(input, current_value);

    if (current_value.IsDifferentString((object)lastChangedValue))
        await onDataChangedAsync(input, current_value);

    return new { veneer = this };

Example: fanuc-driver | human readable

Transformation into an human readable format.

protected override async Task<dynamic> AnyAsync(dynamic input, params dynamic?[] additionalInputs)
    if (input.success)
        var current_value = new
            cncid = string.Join("-", ((uint[])input.response.cnc_rdcncid.cncid).Select(x => x.ToString("X")).ToArray())
        await onDataArrivedAsync(input, current_value);
        if (!current_value.Equals(lastChangedValue))
            await onDataChangedAsync(input, current_value);
        await onErrorAsync(input);

    return new { veneer = this };

Example: fanuc-driver | enriched

Tracking executed G-code blocks.

protected override async Task<dynamic> AnyAsync(dynamic input, params dynamic?[] additionalInputs)
    if (input.success && additionalInputs[0].success && additionalInputs[1].success)
        var current_value = new
            blocks = _blocks.ExecutedBlocks
        await onDataArrivedAsync(input, current_value);
        var last_keys = ((List<gcode.Block>)lastChangedValue.blocks).Select(x => x.BlockNumber);
        var current_keys = ((List<gcode.Block>)current_value.blocks).Select(x => x.BlockNumber);

        if (last_keys.Except(current_keys).Count() + current_keys.Except(last_keys).Count() > 0)
            await onDataChangedAsync(input, current_value);
        await onErrorAsync(input);

    return new { veneer = this };

Example: fanuc-driver | performance tracking

Tracking driver performance.

protected override async Task<dynamic> AnyAsync(dynamic input, params dynamic?[] additionalInputs)
    var max = ((List<dynamic>)input.focas_invocations).MaxBy(o => o.invocationMs).First();
    var min = ((List<dynamic>)input.focas_invocations).MinBy(o => o.invocationMs).First();
    var avg = (int)((List<dynamic>)input.focas_invocations).Average(o => (int)o.invocationMs);
    var sum = ((List<dynamic>) input.focas_invocations).Sum(o => (int)o.invocationMs);
    var failedMethods = ((List<dynamic>) input.focas_invocations)
        .Where(o => o.rc != 0)
        .Select(o => new { o.method, o.rc });
    var current_value = new
        invocation = new
            count = input.focas_invocations.Count,
            maxMethod = max.method,
            maxMs = max.invocationMs,
            minMs = min.invocationMs,
            avgMs = avg,
            sumMs = sum,
    await onDataArrivedAsync(input, current_value);
    return new { veneer = this };

Example: fanuc-driver | boundary marker

Example of a generated observation marker for spindle ‘S’ on execution path ‘1’.

"marker": [
        "path_no": 1
        "name": "S",
        "suff1": "",
        "suff2": ""


Collector is a data collection strategy and an interface to the data source. The Collector is responsible for:

  • establishing and tearing down connection with the data source via a Platform implementation

  • applying Veneer over collected data

  • invoking Veneer over collected data

  • tracking data source connectivity failures

A concrete Collector type, including assembly name, is referenced in the configuration at path machines[id].strategy. Example: l99.driver.fanuc.BlockTracker, fanuc.

Example: opcxmlda-driver

Initialization, “applying veneers”.

public override async Task<dynamic?> InitializeAsync()
        foreach (dynamic descriptor in machine["data"])
            machine.ApplyVeneer(typeof(opcxmlda.veneers.Tag), getDataKey(descriptor));
        machine.VeneersApplied = true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        logger.Error(ex, $"[{machine.Id}] Collector initialization failed.");

    return null;

Collection cycle, “peeling veneers”.

public override async Task<dynamic?> CollectAsync()
        dynamic tags = await machine["platform"].ReadMultipleTagsAsync(machine["data"]);

        for (int i = 0; i < tags.response.read_multiple_tags.results.Length; i++)
            var tag = tags.response.read_multiple_tags.results[i];
            string descriptor = getDataKey(i);
            await machine.PeelVeneerAsync(descriptor, tag, descriptor);
        LastSuccess = true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        logger.Error(ex, $"[{machine.Id}] Collector sweep failed.");

    return null;

Example: fanuc-driver

Initialization, “applying veneers”.

public override async Task<dynamic?> InitializeAsync()
        while (!machine.VeneersApplied)
            dynamic connect = await machine["platform"].ConnectAsync();
            if (connect.success)
                machine.ApplyVeneer(typeof(fanuc.veneers.Connect), "connect");
                machine.ApplyVeneer(typeof(fanuc.veneers.CNCId), "cnc_id");
                machine.ApplyVeneer(typeof(fanuc.veneers.RdParamLData), "power_on_time");
                machine.ApplyVeneer(typeof(fanuc.veneers.SysInfo), "sys_info");
                machine.ApplyVeneer(typeof(fanuc.veneers.GetPath), "get_path");

                dynamic disconnect = await machine["platform"].DisconnectAsync();

                machine.VeneersApplied = true;
                await Task.Delay(sweepMs);
    catch (Exception ex)
        logger.Error(ex, $"[{machine.Id}] Collector initialization failed.");

    return null;

Collection cycle, “peeling veneers”.

public override async Task<dynamic?> CollectAsync()
        dynamic connect = await machine["platform"].ConnectAsync();
        await machine.PeelVeneerAsync("connect", connect);

        if (connect.success)
            dynamic cncid = await machine["platform"].CNCIdAsync();
            await machine.PeelVeneerAsync("cnc_id", cncid);

            dynamic poweron = await machine["platform"].RdParamDoubleWordNoAxisAsync(6750);
            await machine.PeelVeneerAsync("power_on_time", poweron);

            dynamic info = await machine["platform"].SysInfoAsync();
            await machine.PeelVeneerAsync("sys_info", info);

            dynamic paths = await machine["platform"].GetPathAsync();
            await machine.PeelVeneerAsync("get_path", paths);

            dynamic disconnect = await machine["platform"].DisconnectAsync();

        LastSuccess = connect.success;
    catch (Exception ex)
        logger.Error(ex, $"[{machine.Id}] Collector sweep failed.");

    return null;


Handler is an observation post-processor and interface to target systems. Data gathered via a Collector is transformed through a Veneer and acted upon the processing stages of:

  • data arrival

  • data change

  • data source errors

  • data collection cycle completion

A concrete Handler type, including assembly name, is referenced in the configuration at path machines[id].handler. Example: l99.driver.fanuc.handlers.SparkplugB, fanuc.

Example: opcxmlda-driver

The handler prepares changed data into Splunk metric format.

public override async Task<dynamic?> OnDataChangeAsync(Veneers veneers, Veneer veneer, dynamic? beforeChange)
    var payload = new
        time = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(),
        @event = "metric",
        host = veneers.Machine.Id,
        fields = new
            metric_name =,
            _value = veneer.LastArrivedValue.value,
            type = veneer.LastArrivedValue.type,
            good = veneer.LastArrivedValue.good
    return payload;

The Splunk metric payload is then published to an MQTT broker. Alternatively, an HTTP request to the Splunk HEC endpoint could be executed.

protected override async Task afterDataChangeAsync(Veneers veneers, Veneer veneer, dynamic? onChange)
    if (onChange == null)
    var topic = $"opcxmlda/{veneers.Machine.Id}/splunk/{veneer.Name}";
    string payload = JObject.FromObject(onChange).ToString();
    await veneers.Machine.Broker.PublishChangeAsync(topic, payload);

Example: fanuc-driver

The handler prepares changed data into InfluxDb line format.

public override async Task<dynamic?> OnDataChangeAsync(Veneers veneers, Veneer veneer, dynamic? beforeChange)
    if (veneer.Name == "axis_data")
        var payload = new LineProtocolWriter(Precision.Milliseconds)
            .Tag("machine_id", veneers.Machine.Id)
            .Tag("path_no", veneer.Marker[0].path_no.ToString())
            .Tag("axis_name", (veneer.Marker[1].name + veneer.Marker[1].suff).ToString())
            .Field("position", (float) veneer.LastArrivedValue.pos.absolute)
            .Field("feed", (float) veneer.LastArrivedValue.actf);
        return payload;

    return null;

The InluxDb line payload is then published to an MQTT broker.

protected override async Task afterDataChangeAsync(Veneers veneers, Veneer veneer, dynamic? onChange)
    if (onChange == null)
    var topic = $"fanuc/{veneers.Machine.Id}/influx";
    string payload = JObject.FromObject(onChange).ToString();
    await veneers.Machine.Broker.PublishChangeAsync(topic, payload);



graph LR
	start:::in --> 
  id1(parse args) --> 
  id2(parse config) --> 
  id3(create machines) --> 
  id4(execute) --> 
  id5(shutdown) --> 
  classDef in fill:lightgreen;
  classDef out fill:red;
static async Task Main(string[] args)
    dynamic config = await Bootstrap.Start(args);
    Machines machines = await Machines.CreateMachines(config);
    await machines.RunAsync();
    await Bootstrap.Stop();



Relative or absolute path to logging configuration file.

Argument: --nlog

Default: nlog.config

Example: nlog.config, /etc/fanuc/nlog.config

WARNING: Target log file is defined inside nlog.config


Relative or absolute path to driver configuration file.

Argument: --config

Default: config.yml

Example: config.yml, /etc/fanuc/config.yml


Data collection will continue to run until the application is stopped or Shutdown() is invoked on all Machine instances.


Driver configuration is maintained in the config.yml file. You can read more about YAML structure here. Multiple machines can be added and are differentiated by their id key.


Parameters relevant to driver initialization.

id : Unique machine identifier.

enabled : Toggles the active collection state. Disabled machines are not initialized upon startup.

type: Machine class type initialized on startup.

strategy : Collector class type initialized on startup.

handler : Handler class type initialized on startup.


  - id: bender01
    enabled: !!bool true
    type: l99.driver.opcxmlda.OpcxmldaMachine, opcxmlda
    strategy: l99.driver.opcxmlda.collectors.Basic01, opcxmlda
    handler: l99.driver.opcxmlda.handlers.SHDR, opcxmlda
  - id: cnc01
    enabled: !!bool true
    type: l99.driver.fanuc.FanucMachine, fanuc
    strategy: l99.driver.fanuc.collectors.NLuaRunner, fanuc
    handler: l99.driver.fanuc.handlers.Native, fanuc


Parameters relevant to built-in MQTT client.

enabled : Toggles the active client state. Disabled clients are not initialized upon startup.

net_ip : Broker IP address.

net_port : Broker TCP port.

auto_connect : Automatically connect to broker on startup. In the example of SparkplugB, this parameter should be false.

publish_status : Publish status, typically at the end of sweep.

publish_arrivals : Publish all data every sweep.

publish_changes : Publish data only when it changes.

publish_disco : Publish machine information to discovery topic.

disco_base_topic : Topic used for discovery.

anonymous : Connect anonymously or use credentials.

user : Broker user.

password : Broker password.


  - id: bender01
      enabled: !!bool true
      net_port: !!int 1883
      auto_connect: !!bool true
      publish_status: !!bool true
      publish_arrivals: !!bool true
      publish_changes: !!bool true
      publish_disco: !!bool true
      disco_base_topic: opcxmlda
      anonymous: !!bool false
      user: client1
      password: secret123


machine[id].type specific configuration.


  - id: demo
    type: l99.driver.opcxmlda.OpcxmldaMachine, opcxmlda
    l99.driver.opcxmlda.OpcxmldaMachine, opcxmlda:
      sweep_ms: !!int 1000
      net_timeout_s: !!int 3
        - Dynamic/Analog Types/Double:
        - Dynamic/Analog Types/Int:
        - Dynamic/Analog Types/Double[]:
        - Static/Simple Types/String:
        - Static/Simple Types/DateTime:
        - Static/ArrayTypes/Object[]:
        - Dynamic/Analog Types/Fools/Guildenstern:
        - Dynamic/Enumerated Types/Gems:
        - SomeUnknownItem:
  - id: cnc01
    type: l99.driver.fanuc.FanucMachine, fanuc
    l99.driver.fanuc.FanucMachine, fanuc:
      sweep_ms: !!int 1000
      net_port: !!int 8193
      net_timeout_s: !!int 3
  - id: fio01
    type: l99.driver.factoryio.FactoryioLocalMachine, factoryio
    l99.driver.factoryio.FactoryioLocalMachine, factoryio:
      sweep_ms: !!int 100
  - id: fio02
    type: l99.driver.factoryio.FactoryioRemoteMachine, factoryio
    l99.driver.factoryio.FactoryioRemoteMachine, factoryio:
      sweep_ms: !!int 1000
      net_timeout_s: !!int 3


machine[id].strategy specific configuration.

  - id: cnc02
    strategy: l99.driver.fanuc.collectors.NLuaRunner, fanuc
    l99.driver.fanuc.collectors.NLuaRunner, fanuc:
      script: lua/test1.lua
  - id: fio01
    strategy: l99.driver.factoryio.collectors.BasicLocal01, factoryio
    l99.driver.factoryio.collectors.BasicLocal01, factoryio:
      sub_topic: factoryio/fio01/io


machine[id].handler specific configuration.

  - id: bender01
    handler: l99.driver.opcxmlda.handlers.SHDR, opcxmlda
    l99.driver.opcxmlda.handlers.SHDR, opcxmlda:
      port: !!int 7878
      verbose: !!bool true
      lua_head: |
        luanet.load_assembly 'System';
        luanet.load_assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json';
        JObject = luanet.import_type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject';
        - avail:
              name: avail
              category: event
              eval: |
                return "AVAILABLE";