

Debian/Ubuntu Linux

ARM based processor

Step 1: Install Docker & Docker Compose

Docker lets us run the different parts of the pipeline in a consistent way on different platforms.

First check if it’s on your system

docker version

If not there, install it -

Docker Compose

Docker Compose allows us to run several Docker services at once.

docker compose version

If not there, install it as shown here -

Step 2: Create User

If you don’t already have a user created on the system do so now. We suggest naming the user after your company/customer

sudo adduser <your-company-name>

Logout and login to the new user for the Ladder99 install.

Step 3: Install Ladder99

Now go to a good working directory and install the Ladder99 pipeline source code by cloning the code from GitHub and running the install script

cd ~
git clone
cd ladder99

This should show output like so

Adding PATH extension and L99 variables to ~/.bashrc...
Using 'example' for Ladder99 setup, as found in the 'setups' folder.
Please run the file by typing in 'source ~/.bashrc', or logout and log back in.
Then try 'l99'.

Step 7: Finish the Installation

Now load the Ladder99 environment variables into your shell,

source ~/.bashrc

and that’s it - the next page shows how to run Ladder99.